103 學年度公司會計與稅務規劃學程 103 Academic year Program of Corporate Accounting and Tax Planning |
一、規劃單位:會計學系 I. Planning Department: Department of Accounting |
二、依重要相關事項,修滿下列科目達 24.0 學分,完成本學程 II. According to important notes, 24.0 credits will be completed in the following subjects to complete the Program. |
三、課程明細: III. Course details: |
科目名稱 Course Title(Chinese) | 英文科目名稱 Course Title(English) | 科目代碼 Course Number | 學分 Credit | 年級 Department & Grade | 學期 Semester | 修別 Type | *先修科目或#背景科目 *Prerequisite course or #Background course | 備註 Remarks | 課群/學群 Course Group |
中級會計學(下) | Intermediate Accounting (Il) | ACCT10420 | 4.0 | 二(Sophomore) | 下(Spring) | 必(Required) | *會計學原理(二)(*Accounting Principle (II)) | | |
稅務法規(下) | Taxation Law (II) | ACCT11020 | 2.0 | 二(Sophomore) | 下(Spring) | 必(Required) | | | |
公共財務管理 | Public Finance and Management | ACCT31600 | 3.0 | 三(Junior) | 上(Fall) | 必(Required) | *經濟學原理-個體篇(*Principle of Economics-Micro Part) | | |
會計資訊系統 | Accounting Information Systems | ACCT30800 | 3.0 | 三(Junior) | 下(Spring) | 必(Required) | *會計學原理(二)(*Accounting Principle (II)) | | |
稅務規劃 | Tax Planning | ACCT31400 | 3.0 | 三(Junior) | 下(Spring) | 必(Required) | | | |
財務管理 | Corporate Finance | FIN_10100 | 3.0 | 二(Sophomore) | 上(Fall) | 必(Required) | | | |
以下科目 5 選 2,至少需修習 6.0 學分(select 2 lectures from 5 lectures, at least 6.0 credits) |
稅務會計 | Tax Accounting | ACCT30100 | 3.0 | 三(Junior) | 上(Fall) | 選(elective) | | | |
會審法規 | Accounting and Auditing Acts | ACCT31700 | 3.0 | 三(Junior) | 上(Fall) | 選(elective) | *會計學原理(二)(*Accounting Principle (II)) | | |
營利事業所得稅查核實務 | Auditing Practice on Enterprise Income Tax | ACCT31500 | 3.0 | 三(Junior) | 上(Fall) | 選(elective) | | | |
會計實務 | Accounting Practice | ACCT30200 | 3.0 | 四(Senior) | 上(Fall) | 選(elective) | | | |
政府會計 | Government Accounting | ACCT40200 | 3.0 | 三(Junior) | 下(Spring) | 選(elective) | | | |
四、重要相關事項: IV. Important notes: