1.The online single window service system will be open between June 3rd and August 30th, 2024.(112-2 Master's and doctoral graduates is extended until September 30th, 2024)
2.If the deadline on a non-working day, it will be extended to the next working day)

※ 為加速應屆畢業生核發領取學位證書作業,請務必至 【應屆畢業生領取學位證書登錄系統】 填報領取學位證書方式
 To apply for delivering diploma, you need to filling in the entry system of personal diploma collection.

※ 配合全校統一暑休日,請避開113/7/5(五)、7/12(五)、7/19(五)、7/22(一)、7/26(五)、7/29(一)、8/2(五)、8/5(一)、8/9(五)、8/16(五)、8/23(五)、8/30(五)來電洽詢及返校辦理離校領證事宜。
 We are not on duty these days: 113/7/5(五)、7/12(五)、7/19(五)、7/22(一)、7/26(五)、7/29(一)、8/2(五)、8/5(一)、8/9(五)、8/16(五)、8/23(五)、8/30(五)

※ 學士班畢業生離校,採本系統進行檢核離校程序
 For Bachelor degree, graduation procedure is processed online.
 For Master degree/PhD, besides processed online, graduates need to hand in Student Check list for graduation procedure.
 (一) 離校檢核窗口業管服務人員,請按此連結『離校檢核項目單位聯絡表』洽辦。
  The list of divisions in online single window service system.
  Instructions for graduation and departing students
  1.線上登錄郵寄系統(限國內) 【應屆畢業生領取學位證書登錄系統】
  By finishing graduation procedure and the grades are uploaded, you can come to Registry Division, Academic Affairs in Administration Building (Room 401) to get your diploma.

※ 畢業生請在完成畢業離校程序前,至悠遊卡公司官網連結網址辦理一般記名資料變更,若未申請記名日後遺失卡片尚有餘額,將無法辦理掛失退款!
 Before graduation, you need to register easy card number in the website of Easy Card.
 Without entering data, you can’t report lost your card after graduation.