108 學年度資工核心(一)學程 108 Academic year Core Program of Computer Science (I) |
一、規劃單位:資訊工程學系 I. Planning Department: Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering |
二、依重要相關事項,修滿下列科目達 26.0 學分,完成本學程 II. According to important notes, 26.0 credits will be completed in the following subjects to complete the Program. |
三、課程明細: III. Course details: |
科目名稱 Course Title(Chinese) | 英文科目名稱 Course Title(English) | 科目代碼 Course Number | 學分 Credit | 年級 Department & Grade | 學期 Semester | 修別 Type | *先修科目或#背景科目 *Prerequisite course or #Background course | 備註 Remarks | 課群/學群 Course Group |
程式設計(一) | Introduction to Computer Programming(Ⅰ) | CSIEB0020 | 3.0 | 一(Freshman) | 上(Fall) | 必(Required) | | | |
程式設計實驗(一) | Lab of Programming (Ⅰ) | CSIEB0030 | 1.0 | 一(Freshman) | 上(Fall) | 必(Required) | | | |
程式設計(二) | Introduction to Computer Programming(Ⅱ) | CSIEB0040 | 3.0 | 一(Freshman) | 下(Spring) | 必(Required) | | | |
程式設計實驗(二) | Lab of Programming (Ⅱ) | CSIEB0050 | 1.0 | 一(Freshman) | 下(Spring) | 必(Required) | | | |
數位邏輯設計 | Digital Logic Design | CSIEB0070 | 3.0 | 二(Sophomore) | 上(Fall) | 必(Required) | | | |
數位邏輯設計實驗 | Digital Systems Laboratory | CSIEB0110 | 1.0 | 二(Sophomore) | 下(Spring) | 必(Required) | | | |
資料結構 | Data Structures | CSIEB0100 | 3.0 | 二(Sophomore) | 上(Fall) | 必(Required) | | | |
資料結構實驗 | Lab of Data Structures | CSIEB0230 | 1.0 | 二(Sophomore) | 上(Fall) | 必(Required) | | | |
演算法 | Algorithm Design and Analysis | CSIEB0120 | 3.0 | 二(Sophomore) | 下(Spring) | 必(Required) | | | |
演算法實驗 | Lab of Algorithm Design | CSIEB0180 | 1.0 | 二(Sophomore) | 下(Spring) | 必(Required) | | | |
作業系統 | Operating Systems | CSIEB0170 | 3.0 | 三(Junior) | 上(Fall) | 必(Required) | | | |
離散數學 | Discrete Mathematics | CSIEB0080 | 3.0 | 二(Sophomore) | 上(Fall) | 必(Required) | | | |
四、重要相關事項: IV. Important notes: Important Note: 1. Students must pass Introduction to Computer Programming (I) or (II) in order to proceed to Data Structures and/or Algorithm Design and Analysis classes.
2. CSIE students must take the Introduction to Computer Programming (I) and (II) offered for the CSIE major, unless approved by the Departmental Education Committee prior to the class enrollment.