111 學年度網路與系統學程 111 Academic year Program of Network and System |
一、規劃單位:資訊工程學系 I. Planning Department: Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering |
二、依重要相關事項,修滿下列科目達 21.0 學分,完成本學程 II. According to important notes, 21.0 credits will be completed in the following subjects to complete the Program. |
三、課程明細: III. Course details: |
科目名稱 Course Title(Chinese) | 英文科目名稱 Course Title(English) | 科目代碼 Course Number | 學分 Credit | 年級 Department & Grade | 學期 Semester | 修別 Type | *先修科目或#背景科目 *Prerequisite course or #Background course | 備註 Remarks | 課群/學群 Course Group |
嵌入式系統設計概論 | Introduction to Embedded System Design | CSIEB0380 | 3.0 | 三(Junior) | 下(Spring) | 選(elective) | | | 嵌入式系統設計Embedded system design |
嵌入式系統軟體設計 | Software Development for Embedded Systems | CSIE58100 | 3.0 | 四(Senior) | 上(Fall) | 選(elective) | | 研究所課程(Graduate level) | 嵌入式系統設計Embedded system design |
無線網路 | Wireless Networks | #000017700 | 3.0 | 三(Junior) | 下(Spring) | 選(elective) | | | 無線網路Wireless networks |
無線網際網路 | Wireless Internet | CSIE58400 | 3.0 | 四(Senior) | 下(Spring) | 選(elective) | | 研究所課程(Graduate level) | 無線網路Wireless networks |
計算機網路 | Computer Networks | CSIEB0280 | 3.0 | 三(Junior) | 上(Fall) | 選(elective) | | | 計算機網路Computer networks |
電腦網路與通訊 | Computer Networks and Communications | CSIE52500 | 3.0 | 四(Senior) | 上(Fall) | 選(elective) | | 研究所課程(Graduate level) | 計算機網路Computer networks |
資訊安全管理系統概論 | Introduction to Information Security Management System | #000029600 | 3.0 | 三(Junior) | 上(Fall) | 選(elective) | | | 資訊安全管理系統Information security management system |
資訊安全管理系統 | Information Security Management System | CSIE62050 | 3.0 | 四(Senior) | 下(Spring) | 選(elective) | | 研究所課程(Graduate level) | 資訊安全管理系統Information security management system |
平行計算導論 | Introduction to Parallel Computing | CSIE@0150 | 3.0 | 三(Junior) | 上(Fall) | 選(elective) | | | 平行計算Parallel computing |
平行計算 | Parallel Computing | CSIE61600 | 3.0 | 四(Senior) | 上(Fall) | 選(elective) | | 研究所課程 (Graduate level) | 平行計算Parallel computing |
雲端計算導論 | Introduction to Cloud Computing | CSIE@0160 | 3.0 | 四(Senior) | 上(Fall) | 選(elective) | | | 雲端計算Cloud computing |
雲端計算 | Cloud Computing | #000017800 | 3.0 | 四(Senior) | 下(Spring) | 選(elective) | | 研究所課程(Graduate level) | 雲端計算Cloud computing |
圖形理論 | Graph Theory | CSIE@0140 | 3.0 | 三(Junior) | 下(Spring) | 選(elective) | | | 圖形理論Graph theory course |
高等圖形理論 | Advanced Graph Theory | CSIE54800 | 3.0 | 四(Senior) | 下(Spring) | 選(elective) | | 研究所課程(Graduate level) | 圖形理論Graph theory course |
軟體工程 | Software Engineering | CSIEB0430 | 3.0 | 三(Junior) | 下(Spring) | 選(elective) | | | 軟體工程Software Engineering |
物件導向式軟體工程 | Object-Oriented Software Engineering | CSIEM0260 | 3.0 | 四(Senior) | 上(Fall) | 選(elective) | | 研究所課程(Graduate level) | 軟體工程Software Engineering |
資訊安全 | Information Security | CSIEB0240 | 3.0 | 三(Junior) | 上(Fall) | 選(elective) | | | |
網路程式設計 | Network Programming Design | CSIEB0220 | 3.0 | 三(Junior) | 下(Spring) | 選(elective) | | | |
網際網路通訊協定 | Internet Protocols | CSIEB0390 | 3.0 | 三(Junior) | 下(Spring) | 選(elective) | | | |
系統程式 | System Programming | CSIEB0260 | 3.0 | 四(Senior) | 上(Fall) | 選(elective) | | | |
高等程式設計 | Advanced Computer Programming | CSIE@0260 | 3.0 | 三(Junior) | 下(Spring) | 選(elective) | | | |
資料庫系統 | Database Systems | CSIEB0290 | 3.0 | 四(Senior) | 下(Spring) | 選(elective) | | | |
XML設計與應用 | XML Design and Applications | CSIEB0250 | 3.0 | 四(Senior) | 上(Fall) | 選(elective) | | | |
網際網路系統設計與實務 | Internet System Design and Practice | CSIEB0270 | 3.0 | 三(Junior) | 下(Spring) | 選(elective) | | 建議先修習「程式設計(一)」、「程式設計(二)」 | |
超大型積體電路設計 | Application-Specific Integrated Circuits Design | CSIE56700 | 3.0 | 四(Senior) | 上(Fall) | 選(elective) | | 研究所課程(Graduate level) | |
LoRa 網路程式設計服務 | LoRaWAN program design and service | CSIE@0250 | 3.0 | 四(Senior) | 下(Spring) | 選(elective) | | 研究所課程(Graduate level) | |
系統晶片設計專題 | Special Topics on System-on-Chip Design | CSIE58000 | 3.0 | 四(Senior) | 下(Spring) | 選(elective) | | 研究所課程(Graduate level) | |
區塊鏈原理與應用 | BlockChain Principle and Application | CSIEM0440 | 3.0 | 四(Senior) | 下(Spring) | 選(elective) | | 研究所課程 | |
分散式系統 | Distributed Systems | CSIEM0140 | 3.0 | 四(Senior) | 下(Spring) | 選(elective) | | 研究所課程 | |
智慧物聯網技術與應用 | Intelligent IoT technologies and applications | CSIEM0530 | 3.0 | 四(Senior) | 上(Fall) | 選(elective) | | 研究所課程 | |
無人載具系統與應用 | Unmanned Vehicle System and Application | CSIEM0550 | 3.0 | 四(Senior) | 下(Spring) | 選(elective) | | 研究所課程 (Graduate level);原名「行動網路之無人載具通訊技術」 | |
四、重要相關事項: IV. Important notes: Important Notes: 1. Up to 6 credits are transferable into this program.
For CSIE students: any CSIE elective classes are allowed to transfer into this program.
For students of other departments: any courses of the CSIE elective programs, Introduction to Computer Programming (I), and Digital Logic Design classes are allowed to transfer into this program.
Please note: Courses of the same names but intended for non-major students are not allowed to transfer.
2. Only 1 course from the same course group can be counted as the required credits of the program, although all credits are counted for graduation. Students must decide where the course credits will be counted. If graduate-level courses are counted for undergraduate programs or for graduation, they cannot be counted again for the master programs.
3. For undergraduate students: when studying a graduate-level course with the same name course in this program, even though it is offered in different graduate programs (e.g. master, executive-master, doctoral), is deemed as the same course.
*** For Internet System Design and Practice class: Students are recommended to take the Introduction to Computer Programming (I) and the Introduction to Computer Programming (II) before taking this class ***