*為必填欄位 (required fields)
* 姓名 (Name):
*電子郵件 (Email):
* 聯絡電話/手機(Phone/Cellphone):
職稱(Job title):
*通訊地址(Mailing Address):
*贈與身分(Donor Identity):
收據資訊(Receipt information)
收據抬頭名稱(Name on receipt) 捐款可100%自個人當年度綜合所得/企業營利所得總額中扣除。(Donations are deductible up to 100% of an individual's/enterprise's total annual total income or profit.)
* 收據寄送地址(Receipt Delivery Address):
*身分證字號/統編/護照號碼(Passport NO.): 填寫將直接傳至國稅局稅務系統
捐款用途 (0403 Earthquake NDHU Reconstruction Donation)
捐款方式(Donation method)
請選擇行動支付種類 行動支付捐款操作注意事項
  • 待資料填寫完成,按「送出」後,系統會提供本校捐款帳號或郵寄資訊。(After completing the information, click "Submit," and the system will provide the school's donation account or mailing information.)
捐款金額(Donation amount)
幣別(Currency): 金額: 元整
芳名錄(Directory of donors)

自訂名稱列出(List donors by their custom names)

是否願意收到本校相關訊息(Would you like to receive relevant information from us?)
備註(Remarks) 請填入捐款帳號末五碼
驗證碼(Verification code)

驗證碼不分大小寫(Verification code is case insensitive.)  
個資聲明(Personal data statement)
感謝您的愛心捐款,國立東華大學向您取得之個人資料,包含個人姓名、電話、信用卡號及電子郵件地址等,將僅限使用於本校捐款服務與管理、募款徵信、會務活動等使用。本校遵守個人資料保護法之規定,妥善保護您的個人資訊,於此前提下,您同意國立東華大學得於法律許可之範圍內處理及利用相關資料以提供資訊或服務,而您可依法律就您提供的個人資料向本校要求查詢、閱覽、提供複本、補充或更正、停止及刪除。相關要求請您於上班時間以電話或傳真與本校聯繫,謝謝。(Thank you for your generous donation. National Dong Hwa University will only use the personal data obtained from you, including your name, phone number, credit card number, and email address, for purposes related to donation services and management, fundraising, and organizational activities. We comply with the regulations of the Personal Data Protection Act to ensure the proper protection of your personal information. Under this premise, you agree that National Dong Hwa University may process and utilize the relevant data within the scope permitted by law to provide information or services. You also have the right, in accordance with the law, to request inquiries, access, copies, supplements or corrections, cessation, and deletion of your personal data provided to us. Please contact us during office hours by phone or fax for any related requests. Thank you.)