
  1. 選課系統停修功能(含線上掃描QR-Code與網頁輸入停修碼功能)開放至113年5月20日(一)上午10:00止。
  2. 選課系統停修功能截止後至113年5月24日(五)23:59前,欲停修者請以本校Gms信箱登入「112-2期中停修人工登錄申請表」填寫,辦理人工停修作業,謝謝。


  1. The original course selection system’s 112-2 semester course withdrawal function (including the function of online scanning QR-Code and entering the course withdrawal code on the web page) has been extended until 10:00 am on May 20.
  2.  From 10:00 am on May 20 to 23:59 on May 24, those who wish to withdraw their courses should fill in the Google form online instead.

※112-2 Manual Course Withdrawal Application Form (To fill in the form after log in the Gms mailbox of school) https://forms.gle/1n1rsDBGoWAHEqPRA

進入選課系統 / Enter Course Selection System

Item/ Identity Time of Beginning Time of Ending Explanation
Writing Teaching Feedback
(Freshmen no need.)
2024/12/8 (Sunday) 12:30 2025/1/10 (Friday) 17:00 Completing It Before Selecting Course
(Freshmen no need.)
Course-Selecting Stage (Bachelor Students Select Courses According to Their Grades)
(Students with Extensions Included )
2025/2/18 (Tuesday) 12:30 2025/2/25 (Tuesday) 12:30
Junior 2025/2/18 (Tuesday) 12:30 2025/2/25 (Tuesday) 12:30
Sophomore 2025/2/18 (Tuesday) 12:30 2025/2/25 (Tuesday) 12:30
Freshman 2025/2/18 (Tuesday) 12:30 2025/2/25 (Tuesday) 12:30
Graduate-Level 2025/2/18 (Tuesday) 12:30 2025/2/25 (Tuesday) 12:30 (No Contain Classes in Summer Vacation)
During course pre-registration period, core courses and general education courses are not opened for graduate students!
Please select these courses during course add/drop.
Screening of Preliminary Course Selection 2025/2/25 (Tuesday) 14:00 2025/2/25 (Tuesday) 16:00 Course selection system will screen by the "Mode" and "Size of Limit" of each course.
Drop Courses Before Course Add/Drop 2025/2/17 (Monday) 12:30 2025/2/18 (Tuesday) 12:30 Drop Courses Only During This Period
Courses Add/Drop Online
(including students returning from leave)
2025/2/18 (Tuesday) 12:30 2025/2/25 (Tuesday) 12:30 If Courses with the rule of "Size of Limit" still have surpluses, Students can fill the surpluses by the
Add Course Requests 2025/2/27 (Thursday) 8:00 2025/3/7 (Friday) 23:59 1.Ask your Teacher or TA to get "Adding Course Code(QR code)".
2.Adding Course Method (1):Using your mobile phone (or tablet) download a QR code scanner app and scan the QR code to begin adding the course.
3.Adding Course Method (2):Use a computer to log in to the Course Selection"System and click the "Course Adding Code" button and enter the code found below the QR code.
Fees of extra credits after ADD COURSE REQUESTS 2025/3/28 (Friday) 8:00 2025/4/16 (Wednesday) 23:59 Please visit the portal for tuition and miscellaneous fees of the Bank of Taiwan to download and print out the payment form
Midterm Courses Withdrawal Application 2025/4/21 (Monday) 8:00 2025/5/9 (Friday) 23:59 1.Students are allowed to withdraw 'Only one' course in every semester.
2. Total credits must not be less than credit regulations of every department after withdrawal.
3. Please refer to NDHU Courses Withdrawal Guidelines for other regulations.
  • 為維護您的帳號安全性及個人選課權益請定期更換選課密碼。