各位同學,大家好: 近期有民眾反映,有本校賃居於校外社區內之部分同學,經常於深夜大聲喧嘩、吵鬧,已嚴重影響社區安寧。 學務處在此呼籲----維護社區安寧與衛生人人有責,更是為人的基本道德;故敬請於校外賃居之同學應言行節制、自我約束;如發現共同承租同學或附近鄰居有喧嘩、吵鬧之情形,應相互提醒或勸導改進,以免妨礙社區安寧,甚至影響到校譽。 學務處提醒您!
Dear all,
Recently there are resident to reflect that some of our students who live outside the campus often make noise in the midnight and have already bother resident’s sleeping. Office of Student Affairs would like to call on that keeping the tranquility is not only the top priority but also the basic manners for every people. Student living outside the campus shall have self-discipline and avoid to make loud noise. To keep resident area tranquil, if you found the neighbors or roommates have such behaviors, please remind and exhort them. Thank you for your cooperation. Regards, Office of Student Affairs